The project


A cross-border survey carried out in Piedmont and Haute-Provence highlighted many high quality producers. While results emphasized the strengths of local craftsmanship and the use of natural raw materials, aligning products to contemporary market tastes through marketing strategies shaped by large buyers’ logics remains a challenge. SMEs are rarely able to blend tradition and novelty. Officina Aromataria was born to address these gaps, a network dedicated to innovation and quality products


Officina Aromataria4

The activities were bidirectional: the defense of tradition, through new Production Regulations for craft products, and improving current offerings, by expanding product range and implementing targeted communication plans.

In particular, given the importance of perfumes and fragrances, promotional strategies make use of olfactory marketing, known as Sell with Smell, as an effective promotional tool.



The project gave birth to an Italian-French synergy which produced significant local socio- economic benefits (exchange of good practices and knowledge) and cross-border benefits, such as the integration of traditional territorial excellences.
Le Terre dei Savoia was the lead partner and worked together with the association Pays de Haute-Provence, the Communauté de Communes Pays de Forcalquier and Montagne de Lure and FranceAgriMer.

logo terre



Located at the Castle of Racconigi, Le Terre dei Savoia is an association that brings together more than 50 Piedmontese municipalities. It aims at giving value to the identity of the territory, its cultural and natural heritage, and tradition of excellence.



At the foot of Mount Lure, the community of municipalities overlooks the Val de Durance to the east and looks towards the Luberon. Rich in natural and cultural heritage, these municipalities are located around the city of Forcalquier and follow a shared development strategy.



On January 1st, 2017, the communities of the municipalities of Haute Provence and the Pays de Banon merged to become a single community of municipalities, Haute Provence – Pays de Banon. The new inter-municipal structure includes twenty-one municipalities, eight from Haute-Provence and twelve from the Pays de Banon.



FranceAgriMer works as an intermediary between enterpreneurs in aromatic and medicinal plants sector and the French State. It deals with markets analyses and surveys, it works to enhance the economic effectiveness of the supply chains and promotes cooperation among producers.

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